Auditions will take place on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, October 22, 23, and 24, 2013 from 3:00-6:00PM. Sign-up sheets are on the wall in the middle school chorus room. Spaces are still available to audition on Tuesday and Thursday. Report to the chorus room on the day that you signed up to begin the audition process. Remember that you MUST stay for the entire period from 3:00-6:00, as the audition is in 3 parts, some individual, and some in groups. Leaving before the audition is finished will result in you not being cast in the show.
A callback list will be posted on Friday, October 25th with students the directors would like to see or hear a second time in order to create the best cast. Those on the callback list must attend Callback Auditions on BOTH Monday and Tuesday, October 28-29 from 3:00-5:30PM. You must attend both days as the new material is taught on Monday for the actual auditions on Tuesday. After the callback auditions are completed, the directors will sit down and go through the scores from all students who auditioned and put together the cast list. There are approximately 60-70 spaces available in the cast. Over 120 students have signed up to audition, so not everyone will be able to participate in the cast. The cast list will be posted on Wednesday, October 30th. Those on the cast list should plan to attend the first rehearsal on Thursday, October 31st from 3:00-5:00 in the middle school chorus room. Schedules, contracts, and scripts will be distributed, discussed, and a read-through of the show will take place at this important rehearsal. Please bring a 3-ring binder as well for your script. Any questions can be directed to Mr. Cloonan at the high school or Mrs. Triscila at the middle school. Click the link below to see the handout discussed at the audition information meeting on October 10th. ![]()
January 2014
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