The North Hills Middle School Drama Club invites friends, family, and community businesses to support the 2025 winter musical, SEUSSICAL JR, through advertising space in the program booklet. PLEASE SEND AD ARTWORK IN THE APPROPRIATE DIMENSIONS LISTED OR THEY MAY BE REFORMATTED TO FIT THE REQUESTED SIZE AND MAY NOT LOOK THE WAY YOU EXPECTED. We are asking that each cast & crew member sell ONE ad (of any size) to help fill the program and raise money for the drama club! Thank you for your support of the North Hills Middle School Drama Club! Your support through a program advertisement helps to enhance all parts of the production and to create a keepsake booklet for the cast and crew. Please complete the form below and mail it with payment to North Hills Middle School Drama Club, c/o Shaun Cloonan 55 Rochester Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15229 or scan and e-mail it to [email protected] Checks can be made payable to “NHSD” ALL ADS MUST BE SUBMITTED BY NO LATER THAN JANUARY 3, 2025 to assure enough time for layout, proofing, commercial printing, and delivery. Anything received after that date is not guaranteed to be included.
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