Congratulations to the following members on their successful audition for this year’s North Hills Singers ensemble. As you all heard during the group audition portion, your balance and blending abilities were amazing and it was incredibly difficult to choose. The group listed below represents those who scored the highest in their individual auditions, taking seniority into consideration since there was a year that some students were unable to join (2020-21 when the group didn’t exist). Please know that everyone did a wonderful job and if I could make the group 33 members, I would! I ended up taking 24 (the largest I said I would go) because I just couldn’t decide on the last few. Those listed below should plan to attend the first rehearsal on Monday, September 26 from 2:00-3:30PM in the Choir Room. Thank you to all who auditioned for this year’s North Hills Singers ensemble. There were so many great sounding voices, we wish we could take everyone! To create the most balanced mix of parts, this year’s group is smaller than usual, so it didn’t take long to fill up slots. If you are not on the list, do not think that means you in any way did anything wrong! Thank you to Mrs. Triscila and Mr. Hartwell for serving as judges to allow for the most fair scoring and placement as possible. As mentioned at the beginning of the auditions on Tuesday, due to the lack of tenors and basses in attendance, the group includes a section of tenors who are usually soprano or alto that indicated they would be interested in singing lower notes. This section will not always sing a tenor line depending on the voicing of the song – there will be times that S-A-T will divide and just make 2 parts. The following students should plan to attend rehearsal after school in the choir room on Tuesday, September 28 from 2:15-3:30PM.
Auditions for the 2021-22 North Hills Singers will take place on Tuesday, September 21 from 2:00-4:00pm in the choir room (originally I said 9/28 but after going over the One Act Play calendar with Miss Sarazen, we realized we could start a week sooner). We will start as a group and go through a warm-up together, then go over the parts to the Alma Mater one voice part/section at a time. Then we will send everyone to the auditorium and students will come in to the choir room in pairs and sing their part individually (allowing a friend in for moral support, but we need to hear individual voices!). You will be scored according to the PMEA audition rubric. Click here for sheet music and practice tracks to the Alma Mater
Here is the video from the Singers performance at Busch Gardens 4 years ago. Hope it helps in your individual practice! What is the time commitment involved?
Rehearsals are Monday and Tuesday after school from 2:15-3:15 (occasionally later when needed). There are also several Saturday rehearsals throughout the year (2 or 3 as we get closer to performances). Heavy time commitment involved in December as we perform throughout the community. How is the group selected? The audition process for this group is different than most other auditions. The goal is to achieve the best blend of voices possible, so everyone auditions at the same time. Returning members must also attend so that potential new members can be matched with their voices to create the whole group sound. Factors that go into the creation of the list are availability (too many conflicts/missing rehearsals can hold the whole group back), musicianship (we learn music at a faster rate than in class), and ability to match/blend with the group. Different things are needed for different voice parts – for example, if the returning voices have a brighter tone, then a darker sounding voice may be needed to even out the sound of the section to balance with the other parts. Someone who may be a very strong singer that has that same brighter sound may not be chosen because it wasn’t what was needed for that spot in the section. Additionally, a very strong solo singer who isn’t able to pull back and blend with the rest of the section may get passed over in favor of someone who helps to fill the section sound without sticking out. It doesn’t mean either singer is “bad” or “better” than the other, it’s just what was needed for the overall ensemble. The list that is posted is Mr. Cloonan’s best attempt at creating the most balanced “sound” that the Singers have become known for in their performances. What happens if I am selected for the group? The first rehearsals of the new North Hills Singers group will be Tuesday and Wednesday, May 28-29 from 2:15-3:15. There, we will go over more details about schedules, rehearsals, performances, etc. We’ll also make sure everyone has a uniform. The first performance is on Friday, May 31 during Commencement at Martorelli Stadium. What if I don’t see my name? Please do not think that you are a “bad singer” if you don’t make the list. Keep in mind that there are only a set number of spaces available in the group (this year it is 5 sopranos, 5 altos, 3 tenors, and 4 basses if we keep the group at 30), and going beyond 28-30 makes traveling and performing in small spaces more difficult. As Mr. Cloonan says in class, the list created is not meant to be personal, rather the best balance of voices to keep the level of musicianship as high as possible, always striving to make each year better than the last. It’s quite possible that you were the very next name that could have made the group and there just weren’t enough spots. Continue to work hard on all of the things discussed in choir class. Whatever you do, keep on singing! Sunday, December 2 - 3:30-4:00PM, NHSD Book Fair, Cranberry Barnes & Noble
Tuesday, December 4 - 1:00PM, NHSD Retirees Luncheon, Shannopin Country Club Thursday, December 6 - 1:00PM, Senior Christmas Party, North Hills United Presbyterian Church Saturday, December 8 - 1:30PM, Seniors Christmas Party, Faith Lutheran Church in Laurel Gardens Monday or Tuesday, December 10 or 11 - 2:30PM, Middle School Concert Choir & 8th Grade Chorus invited students, NHMS Auditorium. Sunday, December 16 - Sing during 11AM service then mini-concert at First Presbyterian Church of Edgewood, luncheon, then 2:00PM in Atrium at UPMC Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh Tuesday, December 18 - 7:00PM, High School Holiday Choral Concert, NHHS Auditorium Thursday, December 20 - Community Tour Day: The Residents at Arden Court, "Leisure Years" Christmas Party at West View United Methodist Church, "The Pittsburgh Friendship Group" blind support holiday party at Berkeley Hills Lutheran Church Friday, December 21 - 9:30AM, Perform for Highcliff Elementary Students For our upcoming Fall Collage Concert:
Monday, October 15 - 2:15-3:15PM, Room B119 Combined Choirs in the Choir Room. We'll start with everyone, go through "Dark Night," "Hymn to the Fallen," and "I Love My Love." Women's Choir will then be excused so that Symphonic Choir can go over "Double, Double, Toil and Trouble." Then Symphonic will be excused so that North Hills Singers can quickly run (if needed) "My Spirit Sang All Day" and "Harvest." Tuesday, October 16 - 2:15-3:15PM, MS Auditorium All band, choir, and orchestra members will meet in the high school lobby right after school. As soon as the buses depart, we will walk over together to the middle school, using the main entrance. The order of the rehearsal will be "Hymn to the Fallen" with combined choirs and wind ensemble. Then wind ensemble will be excused and chamber strings will come on stage to rehearse "Dark Night of the Soul." Chamber Strings will then be excused so combined choirs can run "I Love My Love" on stage together. Then Women's Choir will be dismissed so that Symphonic can run "Double, Double." Symphonic will then be dismissed so that North Hills Singers can figure out standing arrangements and quickly run their pieces. Wednesday, October 17 - CONCERT NIGHT All choir members should wear their concert black and white (Singers wear black & red uniforms) and report to the middle school auditorium at 6:30PM to line up and warm up. At 6:55, we will walk down the band hallway to enter the stage and take our places on the risers. Concert order is:
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