Keep up with the NH Choirs & Drama Programs
High School Choirs
Facebook: North Hills Choirs Twitter: @NorthHillsChoir Instagram: @NorthHillsChoirs YouTube: NorthHillsChoirs Student-run Instagram: @northhills.choirs Remind class codes: Symphonic Choir: @nhsymchoir Chorale: @nh-chorale North Hills Singers: @nhsingers High School Drama Club Facebook: NHHS Drama Club Twitter: @NHHSDramaClub Instagram: @northhillshsdrama Ms. Sarazen's IG: @mssarazen Student-run accounts: Instagram: @nhhs_dramaclub Twitter: @nhhs_dramaclub Remind group code: NHHS Drama Club: @nhhsdrama Drama Parents: @nhhsdp Fall One Act Plays: @1acts23 Middle School Choirs Instagram: @nhmschoir Middle School Drama Club Facebook: NHMS Drama Club Instagram: @nhmsdramaclub Remind group codes: Students: @NHMSSponge Parents: @SBobParent |