Plans are coming along for the October 4th reunion and concert. Retired director Harriet Valliant and current director Shaun Cloonan met to select the program based off of suggestions from the registered participants. Music will be ordered in the next few weeks with hopes of sending packets out by the second week of September. Practice tracks for each voice part as well as YouTube performances (when available) will be posted on this site so that participants may become familiar with the music ahead of time.
Friday reception plans and Saturday dinner plans will be finalized in the next 2 weeks, which will most likely result in a $25 registration fee that will need to be collected from participants to cover the cost of the meal. Music packets are being paid for from the Choral Parents Association/choir activity account. Participants may keep the music or return it after the concert to be donated to the NHHS choral library. As of now, the program selected (not completely finalized yet) is as follows: "Sing We and Chant It" by Thomas Morley (madrigal) "Hallelujah" from Messiah by G. F. Handel "Song of Democracy" by Howard Hanson "The Water is Wide" folk song for 3-part women's voices "River in Judea" by John Leavitt (gospel style) "Elijah Rock" arranged by Jester Hairston (spiritual) "Day by Day" from Godspell The North Hills Alma Mater by Linda Naumann The program represents as close as possible favorites representing singers from each decade in the North Hills choral program from the 1950s to today. Cloonan and Valliant will share the podium, taking turns conducting pieces, and singing with the group on the pieces they aren't directing. With the number of participants, as of now, the concert will be held at the high school. If another 40 or more register, we will likely have to move to the middle school auditorium. The schedule remains as it was planned earlier: Friday evening Reception at a local restaurant for those who would like to socialize ahead of time and for those traveling in. Saturday 10:00AM Tours of the 2 buildings on the hilltop campus. Lunch on your own 12:30-1:00PM Check-in (high school auditorium lobby) 1:00-4:00PM Rehearsal (right now in the high school choir room/auditorium) 4:30-6:00PM Dinner (location TBD) 6:30PM Warm-up & line-up 7:00PM Concert (high school auditorium tentatively) As more details are finalized, they will be published on this page. Check back often. An official welcome letter will also be sent out in the next 2 weeks with most of these details. Comments are closed.
North Hills School District will hold its first Alumni Choir Reunion and Concert on Oct. 4 welcoming back singers from throughout the decades for the special event.
All former members of the North Hills High School choirs are invited to attend the event this fall. Singers will participate in special activities including building tours and memorabilia sharing throughout the day and come together to prepare choral selections for an evening public concert that will mark their return to the North Hills stage. The event was inspired by a recent gathering of choral alumni who organized themselves to honor long-time choral director Cummings’ 85th birthday. Nearly 30 of Cummings’ former students prepared a short performance and shared memories with him at his nursing facility. Choral alumni contacted Cloonan expressing interest in a larger, more formal reunion, and plans were set in motion. For questions or comments, contact NHHS Choral Director Shaun Cloonan at [email protected] Also, join the "North Hills Alumni Choir" Facebook group. Lots of great discussion is happening there! |