The NHMS Concert Choir is a group for students who want to be part of a choral ensemble made of all 3 grade levels (instead of our separate 6th, 7th, and 8th grade choruses) who enjoy singing and can attend rehearsals after school one day per week for 1 hour from 3:00-4:00. This is also the group for students in band, orchestra, general music, or music appreciation to be able to sing since students can only be in one music class in their regular schedule. Concert Choir typically learns 2 or 3 songs of their own that they perform at our chorus concerts, and last year they traveled with the band and orchestra to HersheyPark to sing in the Music in the Parks festival. This year we will go to Kennywood after performing for judges at Duquesne University who will give us feedback on our performance, ratings, and scores. ScHEDULE & ATTENDANCE POLICYAll practices will take place after school one day per week for one hour. There will be an attendance check in form to verify attendance each rehearsal. If a student misses more than 3 rehearsals that are not excused (absent from school, conflict with a mandatory game discussed ahead of time), they will be asked not to continue or perform with the group. The following dates and times are when Concert Choir meets this fall. A separate schedule will be put together when the group starts up again in the second semester after the winter musical. Please confirm you can attend these before committing to joining Concert Choir: Voice Part Placement
Regular 3:00-4:00 weekly practices
Concert Week Rehearsals
voice part placementsVoice Part Placements Anyone interested in joining Concert Choir will need to sing for Mr. Cloonan for voice part placement either Thursday, September 12 or Friday, September 13 from 3:00-4:00PM. We will meet in Room A011 (the 6th grade chorus room downstairs) as a group to do a warm-up and talk through what everyone needs to do. Then, you and a partner will come up to the piano where you will be asked to sing some patterns to test your high notes and your low notes, then sing the melody to “My Country ‘Tis of Thee.” This will allow Mr. Cloonan to decide which part you should sing when we divide up into 2 or 3 parts for our songs. To sign up for a voice part placement, click the button below. Sheet music and YouTube videos for "My Country 'Tis of Thee" can be found below. Sheet Music & Practice Videos![]()
Here's a video with a children's choir singing the melody: This is a video of the music on the screen with just the piano playing in the background for you to practice singing alone: Comments are closed.
Concert ChoirConcert Choir is an auditioned ensemble, open to all students in grades 6, 7 and 8, and includes students in chorus, band, orchestra, and music appreciation classes. The Concert Choir has minimal rehearsal time – meeting only 20 minutes during homeroom two days per week. We also meet at least once a month after school! Concert Choir performs during each of the regular choral concerts as well as at Arts Alive, Veteran's Day assembly, and for the School Board. Additionally, they participate in the High Note Festival at Carnegie Mellon University each year and consistently earn superior ratings for their performances. Archives
September 2024
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