Parent Chaperone Info
As was discussed at the trip info meeting on 9/3/13, any parent who is planning to travel with the choir to Orlando in April is required to complete the mandated criminal record check, child abuse clearance, and FBI fingerprinting paperwork. You must also complete the application and agreement forms and have those with you when you turn in your completed paperwork the Athletics and Activities Office.
Please begin working on this ASAP, as the list of names needs to be submitted to the School Board for approval prior to our departure. The NHSD School Board policy on chaperones is as follows:
Please print out and complete the forms below as directed. After receiving your processed papers, please bring the ORIGINAL documents with you to Activities Coordinator Chelle Zimmerman at the high school. Note that the FBI clearance can take up to 6 weeks to be processed. If you have any questions, contact Chelle at 412-318-1438.
We would like to send all of the paperwork to Administration by October 31, 2013 so that the list of names can be approved at the November School Board meeting (6 months prior to the trip).
Please begin working on this ASAP, as the list of names needs to be submitted to the School Board for approval prior to our departure. The NHSD School Board policy on chaperones is as follows:
- The Board requires Act 34, Act 151 and FBI clearances for all chaperones of overnight field trips who are not employees of the district. If, under the pertinent laws or regulations, the chaperone’s criminal history report would preclude him/her from being hired as an employee, that person may not be a chaperone.
- Chaperones will assume all costs associated with Act 34, Act 151, and FBI clearances.
- It shall be the responsibility of the building principal or his/her designee to ensure that these clearances are on file in the personnel records located in the district office.
- Personnel records for chaperones shall meet the same confidentiality requirements as that of an employee.
- Chaperones are expected to comply with all rules and regulations set forth by the district.
- Chaperones shall at no time assume responsibility for complete direction and/or control of the students.
Please print out and complete the forms below as directed. After receiving your processed papers, please bring the ORIGINAL documents with you to Activities Coordinator Chelle Zimmerman at the high school. Note that the FBI clearance can take up to 6 weeks to be processed. If you have any questions, contact Chelle at 412-318-1438.
We would like to send all of the paperwork to Administration by October 31, 2013 so that the list of names can be approved at the November School Board meeting (6 months prior to the trip).

NHSD Chaperone Application Form |

NHSD Chaperone Agreement |

SP4-164 Request for Criminal Record Check |

Child Abuse Clearance |

Instructions for FBI Fingerprinting |

Volunteer/Chaperone Instructions Check-List |