Attached please find the forms for our next two fundraisers: PartyLite Candles and Jenny Lee Bread & Cookies.
Just a few other reminders of upcoming dates:
PartyLite Candles: Chairperson Linda McCann - [email protected] Orders are due by Friday, Nov. 3 and delivery will be shipped directly to you, the seller, before Christmas. You will be responsible for distributing fundraiser products to your customers. Note that product price includes shipping and handling and you do NOT need to add the sales tax. Sellers will earn 40% of all sales toward their “individual goal.” If you have any questions, please contact Linda directly at [email protected]. Jenny Lee Bread & Cookies: Chairperson Maureen Pearson - [email protected] Orders are due by Friday, Nov. 10 and pick-up is set for Thursday, Nov. 16. There are three different products/prices:
Please return completed forms and payment (checks payable to North Hills Choral Parents Association) no later than Friday, Nov. 10, to “the Unit” in the chorus room. If you have any questions regarding the Jenny Lee sale, contact Maureen at [email protected]. Comments are closed.