Hi, cast, crew, orchestra, and parents, This email is going to be a short one! We have three quick reminders to share: --LAST DAY FOR TICKET PRE-ORDERS! Today's rehearsal is the last chance to submit your ticket pre-order (form attached). Starting tomorrow, please order tickets by calling the box office at 412-318-1440. --DVD and TSHIRT ORDERS DUE TOMORROW! The order form is attached for "Dames at Sea" Tshirts and DVDs. Don't miss your chance to order; no additional Tshirts and DVDs will be produced. --PLEASE SEND LOTTERY TICKETS OR A $1 DONATION. The "lottery tree" gift basket is always a popular draw during our lobby raffles, but we need your help! Please send in a scratch-off lottery ticket, or just send $1 if that is easier. Please give these to Emma Margo in an envelope marked "Lottery Tree," her mom Heather is doing an excellent job putting the gift basket raffle together. Thanks for your attention and have a great Wednesday! 2017-18 Drama Club Parent Coordinators ![]()
Dear cast, crew, orchestra members, and parents, With two weeks until dress rehearsals begin for "Dames at Sea," we have a lot of news to share! Thanks for reading these emails! There are many attachments to this email in an effort to provide "one stop shopping" for all the forms you might be looking for. Today, February 16, is the LAST CALL for program ads. If you still want to place an ad, please email Kevin Richey at kevin.m.richey@gmail.com this weekend to let him know! The program ad form is attached. Also attached is the form that cast, crew, and orchestra members can use to pre-order tickets to "Dames at Sea." Tickets go on sale to the general public on Thursday, February 22, so reserve your seats now. Tshirt and DVD orders are due on Thursday, February 22. You guessed it! The order form is attached. Finally, thanks to Laurie Medfisch for developing a February newsletter that brings a lot of information together in one place. That newsletter is attached, along with some important documents, including volunteer sign-up sheets, that are referenced in the newsletter. Thanks for your support of "Dames at Sea." As always, please email [email protected] with any questions or concerns. Have a great weekend! 2017-18 Drama Parents Coordinators ![]()
Dear cast, crew, orchestra members, and parents, As "Dames at Sea" approaches, we'll be sharing news more frequently. We now have 85 students working hard in the cast, crew, and orchestra! All of them are preparing for fantastic shows March 8-10 and 15-17. Here are some important updates for this week: --Program ad deadline extended. The deadline for placing program ads has been extended to this Friday, February 16. We know everyone is busy, and you may have missed the original deadline. Please take advantage of this extension to place an ad recognizing your student for his or her participation--as well as solicit ads from local businesses. Ad revenues represent 100 percent profit for the Drama Club, with the money used for show costs such as costumes and set decorations. --Ticket order forms distributed this week! Tickets go on sale to the public on February 22. But participants and their families have an opportunity to purchase tickets a week in advance! Forms will be distributed this Wednesday or Thursday. Ticket orders will be filled in the order in which they are received. Tickets can be sent home with students or held at the ticket table. Please note that payment in full is due at the time of the ticket order. --T-shirt and DVD order forms are due February 22. The form for ordering "Dames at Sea" T-shirts and DVDs was distributed this week, and is also attached to this email. Don't forget to order these keepsakes of the show! Thanks for your support of the show and, as always, please email [email protected] with any questions or concerns! 2017-2018 Drama Parent Coordinators Cindy Fusco, Maureen Pearson, and Patty Parkhill ![]()
Dear "Dames at Sea" cast, crew, orchestra, and parents, It's hard to believe that the musical is less than five weeks away! We're writing to ask for your help in raising funds to support the show. We are including students in this email distribution because many of you have jobs--and your employers might be willing to help support "Dames at Sea" if you ask them. There are two primary ways that we raise money: Program ads: Due on February 9, program ads represent 100 percent profit for the Drama Club. They help finance the show itself, including costumes, sets, and technical equipment. Please consider placing a personal ad recognizing student participants, as well as soliciting business ads from your employer, your dance or acting school, your hair salon, your dentist, your orthodontist, your dry cleaner, your favorite pizza shop...and other local businesses! At just $100 for a full-page ad SEEN BY 3500 PEOPLE, these ads are actually a fantastic value. Gift basket raffle: Raffling off gift baskets in the lobby during "Me and My Girl" raised $2000 last year! This money pays for the cast luncheon and cast party--and, if we have enough funds, we can also help improve the quality of our shows. Please consider soliciting donations from your employer, whether you are a student or a parent--as well as local businesses like those listed above. Even a small gift card or certificate can be part of a larger basket. To support you, we are attaching a form letter you can use with local businesses. Should you need any other support, please reach out to Heather Margo, who has generously volunteered to lead the gift basket raffle program. She can be reached at dh.margo@verizon.net. We are also attaching a request for each family to donate one or more scratch-off lottery tickets. We will assemble these into a basket that will be raffled off. This has traditionally been one of our most popular baskets. Important: We are looking for a parent volunteer to lead the assembly of a freshman/sophomore gift basket. If your student is in 9th or 10th grade, please consider taking the lead in creating a "theme" and assembling items for the basket. The basket items can be business donations, or you can ask for a small cash donation from each 9-10 grade family to purchase items. Junior and senior baskets are already under way. Respond to this email if you are interested. Thanks for all your help supporting "Dames at Sea." Your hard work, volunteer hours, and other support is helping to create a fantastic show and a great experience for the cast, crew, and orchestra members. As always, please email [email protected] with any questions or concerns! 2017-2018 Drama Club Parent Coordinators ![]()
The purpose of the North Hills Drama Parents & Friends Association is to aid and support all theatrical and dramatic programs for current and former students in the North Hills School District in cooperation with the production staff, school administrators, and the School Board of Directors. These ensembles include, but may not be limited to, the high school fall one act plays, spring musical, student showcase; middle school winter musical, and elementary drama camp.
October 2023