Dear Parents, In case you missed our first meeting this past week, we are attaching the agenda so that you can have an idea of what was discussed. We will be needing lots of volunteers to help with the upcoming Election Day Bake Sale, as well as with staffing the various tables in the lobby during the play. Please take a look at the attached sign up sheets, and let us know if you are willing and able to take any of the blank spots. We also need volunteers to help solicit volunteers for our basket auction that is held in the lobby during the play. This has been a huge fundraiser in the past. If you know of any local business owners who would be willing to donate an item or gift card to be auctioned off in a basket, we would greatly appreciate any contribution they would be willing to make! Please email for a list of businesses that might possibly make donations, divided up by North Hills territories. If you would be willing to take on a territory and approach the businesses, we would greatly appreciate it! Please let us know which businesses you have approached so we can avoid having multiple people ask the same ones for donations. For more information, reply to this e-mail or contact Heather Margo at [email protected] Also attached is the "Pride and Prejudice" Program Ad Form: The deadline for placing ads in the printed program is October 16th. Sales of these ads directly benefit the Drama Club, so please consider placing personal ads, as well as approaching local businesses that might be willing to support the North Hills Drama Club. Don't forget that the Drama Club has a section on the North Hills Choral Website where you can always find the most recent information. The address is: Look for the tab "High School Drama Club." Thank you so much for all that you do, and please let us know if you have any questions or any fundraising ideas that haven't been mentioned! Cindy Fusco, Maureen Pearson, and Patty Parkhill Drama Club Parent Co-Coordinators, 2017-2018
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The purpose of the North Hills Drama Parents & Friends Association is to aid and support all theatrical and dramatic programs for current and former students in the North Hills School District in cooperation with the production staff, school administrators, and the School Board of Directors. These ensembles include, but may not be limited to, the high school fall one act plays, spring musical, student showcase; middle school winter musical, and elementary drama camp.
October 2023