REMINDER - Parent Meeting on MONDAY, September 9, 2019 7pm
NHHS Auditorium. Looking forward to sharing the Fall play information and hoping to see you there! ******* Hello North Hills Drama Parents! A PARENT meeting for anyone whose child will be participating in the Fall Play, CLUE, on STAGE CAST OR CREW is scheduled for Monday September 9, 2019 at 7:00pm in the High School Auditorium. Parent participation is extremely important for success as our kids work so hard to prepare for this upcoming fabulous show! All who attend the September 9th meeting will receive A RAFFLE TICKET TO WIN a chance for a $25 Target GIFT CARD! Also a 2nd raffle drawing will be held to give away a CLUE board game!! Please bring your calendars as you will get to be the first to pick your time slot for volunteering! We will be needing people to help work shifts selling basket raffle tickets, selling flowers, balloons, and candy! Don't forget the cookie table which is very popular. Any student participating in the Fall play must fill out a google form. Current cast members completed this form already. Students who are not members of the cast and who wish to join crew should fill out the crews google form by September 10 (even if they already filled out the cast one last week). The crew google form will be ready and posted in the Remind group at the student Drama Club meeting on Tuesday, September 3. Students must log into their NH student gmail account and fill out the form with a parent. The form cannot be accessed by emails outside of the district. Crew options include: Hair, make-up, costumes, props, sound, lights, building, running crew, and ushering. All students participating in the Fall play pay a $30 fee. This covers their t-shirt, DVD, and luncheon/dinner. Checks can be made payable to NHHS with “fall play dues” in the subject line. Place in an envelope with the student's name on front. Turn into the choir room drawer labeled “dues” by September 10, 2019. Parents can sign up on Remind @nhhsdrama for all Drama Club messages and/or @nhclue for all fall play related updates. For all meeting agendas, calendars, paperwork, etc- please go to We hope to see you there!! Lauren Sarazen, NHHS Drama Director P.S. If you would like to be removed from this email distribution, please let us know. We appreciate your patience as we update our member and parent list during this season. Comments are closed.
The purpose of the North Hills Drama Parents & Friends Association is to aid and support all theatrical and dramatic programs for current and former students in the North Hills School District in cooperation with the production staff, school administrators, and the School Board of Directors. These ensembles include, but may not be limited to, the high school fall one act plays, spring musical, student showcase; middle school winter musical, and elementary drama camp.
October 2023